Monday 1 August 2016

Lets talk about Wei Beauty

If you haven't heard of Wei Beauty then here is a little brief! Years back, in the heart of China, a young tomboy found her joy in running in fields, climbing trees, digging dirt, picking herbs, and discovering their many uses. Her hobby was studying traditional Chinese medicine with Doctor Li. If you want to know more you can read here.

This post is dedicated to the Wei Beautys amazing sheet masks.
I cant really justify how amazing they are but I will try my best with a few words!
I have tried a lot of 'sheet masks' when I first discovered sheet masks I was almost scared that it may off clogged pores as having a wet slimy sheet nearly covering your face!

After a few different try's of sheet masks I was sold, they worked, they made my skin feel good and showed the benefits. Not till I tried the Wei Beauty masks was I really sold.

Lets be completely honest, I never heard of the brand Wei Beauty till this year. I think it has more off a hype in the US. So I went in with a blind eye lets say! Trying a product I never knew about never heard of etc.
Mung Bean Sprout Stress-Relieving Soothing Mask comes in a tube with a sheet mask inside and also has own tweezers with each one to drag the mask out! Little touches like this make me really appreciate a brand that even bit more.

Mung Bean has been used for centuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine to  nurture the body while cooling the skin.

So what does Mung bean sprout offer?
Its a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory that will help supply the skin with rich protein moisture to the skin.

The Chinese licorice root helps to heal skin and really dig down on blemishes, while the cucumber extract helps to hydrate the skin and soothes.
The aftermath this mask has had on my skin is second best to nothing! The mask got very intense and had a red effect on my skin and tingling sensation, which to me means the item is working!

I  still have the Millet Sprout Instant Smoothing Nourishing Mask to try which I am super excited for, I just want to thank the people over at WEI beauty for letting me try these out.



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